KIT (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)

Zoologisches Institut
Abteilung für Zell- und Neurobiologie
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Rodriguez-Emmenegger C., Preuss C.M., Yameen B., Pop-Georgievski O., Bachmann M., Mueller J.O., Bruns M., Goldmann A.S., Bastmeyer M. and Barner-Kowollik C.
Controlled Cell Adhesion on Poly(dopamine) Interfaces Photo-Patterned with Non-Fouling Brushes.
Advanced Materials, in press.

Richter B., Pauloehrl T., Kaschke J., Fichtner D., Fischer J., Greiner A.M., Wedlich D., Wegener M., Delaittre G., Barner-Kowollik C. and Bastmeyer M.
Three-Dimensional Macroscaffolds Exhibiting Spatially Resolved Surface Chemistry
Advanced Materials, in press.

Pauloehrl T., Welle A., Bruns M., Linkert K., Börner H.G., Bastmeyer M., Delaittre G. and Barner-Kowollik C.
Spatially Controlled Surface Immobilization of Non-Modified Peptides C.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, in press.

Brinkmann F., Hirtz M., Greiner A., Weschenfelder M., Waterkotte B., Bastmeyer M. and Fuchs H.
Interdigitated Multicolored Bioink Micropatterns by Multiplexed Polymer Pen Lithography.
Small Apr 2 DOI: 10.1002/smll.201203183.

Schwingel M. and Bastmeyer M.
Force mapping during the formation and maturation of cell adhesion sites with multiple optical tweezers.
PLoS ONE 8: e54850 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0054850.

Lee S., Zhang W., Ravi M., Weschenfelder M., Bastmeyer M. and Levine J.
Atypical protein kinase c and par 3 are required for proteoglycan-induced axon growth inhibition.
Journal of Neuroscience 33: 2541-2554.

Weschenfelder M., Weth F., Knöll B. and Bastmeyer M.
The Stripe Assay - Studying Growth Preference and Axon Guidance on Binary Choice Substrates
in vitro.
Methods in Molecular Biology 1018: 229-246.

Fritz M. and Bastmeyer M.
Microcontact Printing of Substrate-Bound Protein Patterns for Cell- and Tissue Culture.
Methods in Molecular Biology 1018: 247-259.
Dao L., Weiland U., Hauser M., Nazarenko I., Kalt H., Bastmeyer M., Franz C.M.
Revealing non-genetic adhesive variations in clonal population by comparative single-cell force spectroscopy.
Experimental Cell Research 318: 2155-2167 DOI: 10.1002/mabi.201200132.

Pauloehrl T., Delaittre G., Bruns M., Meißler M., Börner H.G., Bastmeyer M. and Barner-Kowollik C.
(Bio)Molecular Surface Pattering by Phototriggered Oxime Ligation.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 51: 9181-9184 DOI: 10.1002/mabi.201200132.

Greiner A.M., Richter B., Bastmeyer M.
Micro-Engineered 3D Scaffolds for Cell Culture Studies.
Macromolecular Biosciences 10: 1301-1314 DOI: 10.1002/mabi.201200132.

Delaittre G., Pauloehrl T., Bastmeyer M. and Barner-Kowollik C.
Acrylamide-Based Copolymers Bearing Photoreleasable Thiols for Subsequent Thiol-Ene Functionalization.
Macromolecules. Volume: 45 Issue: 4 Pages: 1792-1802 DOI: 10.1021/ma202670d.

Ross A. M., Jiang Z., Bastmeyer M. and Lahann J.
Physical Aspects of Cell Culture Substrates: Topography, Roughness, and Elasticity.
Small Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Pages: 336-355 DOI: 10.1002/smll.201100934.

Pauloehrl T., Delaittre G., Bastmeyer M. and Barner-Kowollik C.
Ambient temperature polymer modification by in situ phototriggered deprotection and thiol-ene chemistry.
Polymer Chemistry. Volume: 3 Issue: 7 Pages: 1740-1749 DOI: 10.1039/c1py00372k.

Delaittre G., Greiner A.M., Pauloehrl T., Bastmeyer M. and Barner-Kowollik C.
Chemical approaches to synthetic polymer surface biofunctionalization for targeted cell attachment.
Soft Matter. Volume: 8 Issue: 28 Pages: 7323-7347 DOI: 10.1039/C2SM07407A.

Vogt A.P., Trouillet V., Greiner A.M., Kaupp M., Geckle U., Barner L., Hofe T. and
Barner-Kowollik C.

A Facile Route to Boronic Acid Functional Polymeric Microspheres via Epoxide Ring Opening.
Macromol Rapid Commun. DOI: 10.1002/marc.201200144.

Schuster S., Bernewitz R., Guthausen G., Zapp J., Greiner A.M., Köhler K. and
Schuchmann H.P.

Analysis of W1/O/W2 double emulsions with CLSM: Statistical image processing for droplet size distribution.
Elsevier: Chemical Engineering Science: 81, 84-90.                                                  PDF

Möller H., Böhrsch V., Bentrop J., Bender J., Hinderlich S. and
Hackenberger CPR.

Glycan-Specific Metabolic Oligosaccharide Engineering of C7-Substituted Sialic Acids.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 51, 5986 -5990. (with cover)


Schaper W., Bentrop J., Ustinova J., Blume L., Kats E., Tiralongo J., Weinhold B., Bastmeyer M. and Münster-Kühnel AK.
Identification and Biochemical Characterization of Two Functional CMP-Sialic Acid Synthetases in Danio rerio.
J Biol Chem. 13:287(16):13239-48.                                                                       PDF

Langhauser M., Ustinova J., Rivera-Milla E., Ivannikov D., Seidl C., Slomka C., Finne J., Yoshihara Y., Bastmeyer M. and Bentrop J.
Ncam1a and Ncam1b: two carriers of polysialic acid with different functions in the developing zebrafish nervous system.
Glycobiology. 22(2):196-209.                                                                               PDF

Gebhardt C., Bastmeyer M. and Weth F.
Balancing of ephrin/Eph forward and reverse signaling as the driving force of adaptive topographic mapping.
Development, 139:335-45.

Pauloehrl T., Delaittre G., Winkler V., Welle A., Bruns M., Börner H.G., Greiner A.M., Bastmeyer M. and Barner-Kowollik C.
Adding spatial control to click chemistry: phototriggered Diels-Alder surface (bio)functionalization at ambient temperature.
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 51: 1071-1074 DOI: 10.1002/anie.201107095.
Yamagishi S., Hampel F., Hata K., Del Toro D., Schwark M., Kvachnina E., Bastmeyer M., Yamashita T., Tarabykin V., Klein R. and Egea J.
FLRT2 and FLRT3 act as repulsive guidance cues for Unc5-positive neurons.
Embo Journal. Volume: 30 Issue: 14 Pages: 2920-2933 DOI: 10.1038/emboj.2011.189.

Klein F., Richter B., Striebel T., Franz CM., von Freyman G., Wegener M. and Bastmeyer M.
Two-Component Polymer Scaffolds for Controlled Three-Dimensional Cell Culture.
Advanced Materials. Volume: 23 Issue: 11 Pages: 1341-1345 DOI: 10.1002/adma.201004060.

Gebhardt C., Weth F. and Bastmeyer M.
In vitro experiments reconstituting topographic map formation.
e-Neuroforum, 2:13-20. (with cover)

Klein F., Striebel T., Fischer J., Jiang Z., Franz C.M., von Freyman G., Wegener M. and Bastmeyer M.
Elastic fully three-dimensional microstructure scaffolds for cell force measurements.
Advanced Mater. 22:868-871. (with cover)

Zimmer G., Schanuel S.M., Bürger S., Weth F., Steinecke A., Bolz J. and Lent R.
Chondroitin Sulfate Acts in Concert with Semaphorin 3A to Guide Tangential Migration of Cortical Interneurons in the Ventral Telencephalon.
Cereb. Cortex. 20:2411-2422.
Seiradake E., von Philipsborn AC., Henry M., Fritz M., Lortat-Jacob H., Jamin M., Hemrika W., Bastmeyer M., Cusack S. and McCarthy AA.
Structure and functional relevance of the Slit2 homodimerization domain.
EMBO Rep. 10:736-41

Zimmer G., Garcez P., Rudolph J., Niehage R., Weth F., Lent R. and Bolz J.
Ephrin-A5 acts as a repulsive cue for migrating cortical interneurons.
Eur J Neurosci. 28:62-73

Krishna K., Nuernberger M., Weth F. and Redies C.
Layer-specific expression of multiple cadherins in the developing visual cortex (V1) of the ferret.
Cereb Cortex. 19:388-401 (with cover)
Bischofs IB., Klein F., Lehnert D., Bastmeyer M. and Schwarz US.
Filamentous network mechanics and active contractility determine cell and tissue shape.
Biophys J 95: 3488-96                                                                                        PDF

Bentrop J., Marx M., Schattschneider S., Rivera-Milla E. and Bastmeyer M.
Molecular evolution and expression of zebrafish St8SiaIII, an alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase involved in myotome development. Dev Dyn 237: 808-18.                                                        PDF

Lang S., von Philipsborn AC., Bernard A., Bonhoeffer F. and Bastmeyer M.
Growth cone response to ephrin gradients produced by microfluidic networks.
Anal Bioanal Chem. 390: 809-816. (with cover)


von Philipsborn AC., Lang S., Jiang Z., Bonhoeffer F. and Bastmeyer M.
Substrate-bound protein gradients for cell culture fabricated by microfluidic networks and microcontact printing. Sci STKE (414): p16. DOI:10.1126/stke.4142007pl6                   PDF

von Philipsborn AC. and Bastmeyer M.
Mechanisms of gradient detection: a comparison of axon pathfinding with eukaryotic cell migration.
Int Rev Cytol. 263: 1-62.                                                                                    PDF

Marx M., Rivera-Milla E., Stummeyer K., Gerardy-Schahn R. and Bastmeyer M.
Divergent evolution of the vertebrate polysialyltransferase Stx and Pst genes revealed by fish-to-mammal comparison. Dev Biol. 306: 560-71.                                                            PDF

Zimmer G., Kästner B., Weth F. and Bolz J.
Multiple effects of ephrin-A5 on cortical neurons are mediated by SRC family kinasis.
J Neurosci. 27:5643-53
von Philipsborn A. C., Lang S., Loeschinger J., Bernard A., David C., Lehnert D., Bonhoeffer F. and Bastmeyer M.
Growth cone navigation in substrate-bound ephrin gradients. Development 133: 2487-2495.
With: Follow the guidelines, Research Highlights, Nature 441: 910.


von Philipsborn A. C., Lang S., Bernard A., Loeschinger J., David C., Lehnert D.,
Bastmeyer M. and Bonhoeffer F.

Microcontact printing for generation of graded patterns of axon guidance molecules.
Nature Protocols: DOI: 10.1038/nprot.2006.251
Begemann G., Marx M., Mebus K., Meyer A. and Bastmeyer M.
Beyond the neckless phenotype: Influence of reduced retinoic acid signalling on motorneuron development in the zebrafish hindbrain. Dev. Biol. 271:119-129 (with cover).


Beetz C., Brodhun M., Moutzouris K., Kiehntopf M., Lehnert D., Deufel T., Bastmeyer M. and Schickel J.
Identification of nuclear localisation sequences in spastin (SPG4) using a novel Tetra-GFP reporter system. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 318:1079-84.

Reuter A., Málaga-Trillo E., Binkle U., Rivera-Milla E., Beltre R., Zhou Y., Bastmeyer M. and Stuermer CA.
Evolutionary analysis and expression of teleost Thy-1. Zebrafish. 2004:191-201            PDF

Lehnert D., Wehrle-Haller B., David C., Weiland U., Ballestrem C., Imhof B.A. and Bastmeyer M.
Cell behaviour on micropatterned substrates: limits of extracellular matrix geometry for spreading and adhesion. J. Cell Sci. 117: 41-52 (with cover).


Käthner R. and Bastmeyer M.
Farbstoffe in der Lichtmikroskopie. Praxis Naturwiss. 8/53:2-7 (with cover).

Masilamani M., von Seydlitz E., Bastmeyer M. and Illges H.
T cell activation induced by cross-linking CD3 and CD28 leads to silencing of Epstein-barr virus/C3d receptor (CR2/CD21) gene and protein expression. Immunobiol. 206: 528-536.

Rolf B., Bastmeyer M., Schachner M. and Bartsch U.
Pathfinding errors of corticospinal axons in NCAM-deficient mice. J. Neurosci. 22: 8357-8362.

Bastmeyer M., Deising H. and Bechinger C.
Force exertion in fungal infection. Ann. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. Struct. 31: 321-41.

Solomon S., Masilamani M., Rajendran L., Bastmeyer M., Stuermer C.A.O. and Illges H.
the lipid raft microdomain-associated reggie-1/flotillin-2 is expressed in human B-cells and is localized at plasma membrane and centrosome in PBMCs. Immunobiol. 205: 108-19.
Marx M., Rutishauser U. and Bastmeyer M.
Dual function of polysialic acid (PSA) during zebrafish nervous system development. Development 128: 4949-4958 (with poster).

Ourednik J., Ourednik V., Bastmeyer M. and Schachner M.
Ectopic expression of the neural cell adhesion molecule L1 in astrocytes leads to changes in the development of the corticospinal tract. Eur. J. Neurosci. 14: 1464-1474.

Ott H., Diekmann H., Stuermer C.A.O. and Bastmeyer M.
Function of neurolin (DM-GRASP / SC-1) in guidance of motor axons in embryonic zebrafish. Dev. Biol. 235: 86-97.
Stuermer C.A.O. and Bastmeyer M.
The retinal axon's pathfinding to the optic disk (review). Prog. Neurobiol. 62: 197-214.
Bechinger C., Giebel K.-F., Schnell M., Leiderer P., Deising H. and Bastmeyer M.
Optical measurements of invasive forces exerted by appresoria of a plant pathogenic fungus. Science 285: 1896-1899.
With: Perspective by N. Talbot: Forcible Entry, Science 285: 1860-1861.
With: News and Views by N. Money: Fungus punches its way in, Nature 401: 332-333.

Leppert C.A., Diekmann H., Paul C., Marx M., Laessing U., Bastmeyer M. and Stuermer C.A.O.
Neurolin Ig domain 2 participates in retinal axon guidance and Ig domains 1 and 3 in fasciculation. J. Cell Biol. 144: 339-349.

Giebel K.-F., Bechinger C., Herminghaus S., Riedel M., Leiderer P., Weiland U. and Bastmeyer M.
Imaging of cell/substrate contacts of living cells with surface plasmon resonance microscopy. Biophys. J. 76: 509-516.
Ankerhold R., Leppert C.A., Bastmeyer M. and Stuermer C.A.O.
E587 antigen is upregulated by goldfish oligodendrocytes after optic nerve lesion and supports retinal axon regeneration. Glia 23: 257-270.

Ott H., Bastmeyer M. and Stuermer C.A.O.
Neurolin, a cell adhesion molecule of the immunglobulin superfamily, is involved in pathfinding of goldfish retinal axons. J. Neurosci. 18: 3363-3372.

Bastmeyer M., Daston M.M., Possel H. and O´Leary D.D.M.
Collateral branch formation related to cellular structures in the axon tract during corticopontine target recognition. J. Comp. Neurol. 392: 1-18 (with cover).

Weiland U., Ott H., Bastmeyer M., Schaden H., Giordano S. and Stuermer C.A.O.
Expression of an L1-related cell adhesion molecule on developing CNS fiber tracts in zebrafish and its functional contribution to axon fasciculation. Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 9: 77-89 (with cover).

Herminghaus S., Riedel M., Leiderer P., Bastmeyer M. and Stuermer C.A.O.
Optical force microscopy with silicone rubber planar waveguides. Appl. Phys. Lett. 70: 22-24.
O´Leary D.D.M., Bastmeyer M., Daston M.M., Koester S.E., Richards L.J. and Yee K.T.
Development of cortical output projections: axon guidance, target recognition, and plasticity. in: Integrative and molecular approach to brain function. M. Ito and Y. Miashita, Editors (review): 165-178.

Daston M.M., Bastmeyer M., Rutishauser U. and O´Leary D.D.M.
Spatially restricted increase in polysialic acid enhances target recognition and innervation by corticospinal axons. J. Neurosci. 16: 5488-5497.

Schwalb J.M., Gu M.-F., Stuermer C.A.O., Bastmeyer M., Hu G.F., Boulis N., Irwin N. and Benovitz L.I.
Optic nerve glia secrete a low-molecular-weight factor that stimulates retinal ganglion cells to regenerate axons in goldfish. Neuroscience 72: 901-910.

Bastmeyer M. and O´Leary D.D.M.
Dynamics of target recognition by interstitial axon branching along developing cortical axons. J. Neurosci. 16:1450-1460.
Wanner M., Lang D., Bandtlow C., Schwab M.E., Bastmeyer M. and Stuermer C.A.O.
Reevaluation of the growth permissive substrate properties of goldfish optic nerve myelin and myelin proteins J. Neurosci. 15: 7500-7509.

Bastmeyer M., Ott H., Leppert C.A. and Stuermer C.A.O.
Fish E587 glycoprotein, a member of the L1 family of cell adhesion molecules, participates in axonal fasciculation and the age-related order of ganglion cell axons in the goldfish retina. J. Cell Biol. 130: 969-976.

Bähr M., Przyrembel C. and Bastmeyer M.
Astrocytes from adult rat optic nerves are non-permissive for regenerating retinal ganglion cell axons. Exp. Neurol. 131: 211-220.
Bastmeyer M., Jeserich G. and Stuermer C.A.O.
Similarities and differences between fish oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells in vitro. Glia 11: 300-314.
Bastmeyer M., Bähr M. and Stuermer C.A.O.
Fish optic nerve oligodendrocytes cells support axonal regeneration of fish and mammalian retinal ganglion cells. Glia 8: 1-11 (with cover).

Herdegen T., Bastmeyer M., Bähr M., Stuermer C.A.O., Bravo R. and Zimmermann M.
Expression of JUN, KROX, and CREB transcription factors in goldfish and rat retinal ganglion cells following optic nerve lesion is related to axonal sprouting. J.Neurobiol. 24: 528-543.

Bastmeyer M. and Stuermer C.A.O.
Behavior of fish retinal growth cones encountering chick caudal tectal membranes: A time-lapse study on growth cone collapse. J.Neurobiol. 24: 37-50.
Götz M., Novak N., Bastmeyer M. and Bolz J.
Membrane-bound molecules in rat cerebral cortex regulate thalamic innervation. Development 116: 507-519.

Stuermer C.A.O., Bastmeyer M., Bähr M., Strobel G. and Wehner K.
Trying to understand axonal regeneration in the CNS of fish (review). J. Neurobiol.: 537-550 (with cover).

Hoppe D., Bastmeyer M., Blankenfeld G. von, Kettenmann H. and Stuermer C.A.O.
Two populations of glial cells from fish optic nerve/tract with distinct electrophysiological properties. Exp. Brain Res. 87: 383-388.

Bastmeyer M., Beckmann M., Schwab M. and Stuermer C.A.O.
Growth of regenerating goldfish axons is inhibited by rat oligodendrocytes and CNS myelin but not by goldfish optic nerve/tract oligodendrocyte-like cells and fish CNS myelin. J.Neurosci. 11: 626-640.

Wolf K.W. and Bastmeyer M.
Cytology of lepidoptera V. The microtubule cytoskeleton in eupyrene spermatocytes of Ephestia kuehniella (Pyralidae), Inachis io (Nymphalidae), and Oryia antiqua (Lymantriidae). Eur.J.Cell Biol. 55: 238-247.

Wolf K.W. and Bastmeyer M.
Cytology of lepidoptera VI. Immunolocalization of microtubules in detergent-extracted apyrene spermatocytes of Ephestia kuehniella Z. Eur.J.Cell Biol. 55: 225-237.
Wolf K.W. and Bastmeyer M.
Double spermatogenesis in lepidoptera: strain specific differences in the apyrene meiosis of ephestia kuehniella Z. In: Hoshi M., Yamashita, O. (eds.): Adv.Invertebr.Reprod. Vol.V, pp.523-529, Elsevier Science Publishers (Amsterdam).

Bastmeyer M., Schlosshauer B. and Stuermer C.A.O.
The spatiotemporal distribution of N-CAM in the retinotectal pathway of adult goldfish detected by the monoclonal antibody D3. Development 108: 299-311.
Bastmeyer M., Beckmann M., Nona S.M., Cronly-Dillon J.R. and Stuermer C.A.O.
Identification of Astrocyte- and Oligodendrocyte-like cells of goldfish optic nerves in culture. Neurosci.Lett. 101: 127-132.
Bastmeyer M. and Russell
Characterization of Pales spermatocyte spindles, with reference to an MTOC-associated protein. J.Cell Sci. 87: 431-438.

Bastmeyer M. and Fuge H.
Arrangement and dynamics of spindle structures in crane fly spermatocytes seen with video-enhanced contrast differential interference contrast microscopy. Chromosoma 95: 51-56.
Bastmeyer M., Steffen W. and Fuge H.
Immunostaining of spindle components in tipulid spermatocytes using a serum against pericentriolar material. Eur.J.Cell Biol. 42: 305-310.

Bastmeyer M. and Fuge H.
The distribution of intermicrotubular bridges in meiotic spindles of the crane fly. Chromosoma 94: 419-424.

Steffen W., Fuge H., Dietz R., Bastmeyer M. and Müller G.
Aster-free spindle poles in insect spermatocytes: evidence for chromosome induced spindle formation? J.Cell Biol. 102: 1679-1687.
Fuge H., Bastmeyer M. and Steffen W.
A model for chromosome movement based on lateral interactions of spindle microtubules. J.Theor.Biol. 115: 391-399.

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Letzte Änderung: 08.08.2013 17:42